You are amazing
Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only become energy, or vice versa. It’s all out there. By proxy this means that there is only a limited amount of it.
That amount is large beyond comprehension but still finite. It is spread throughout space and time. It is a giant turning multi sided hourglass. All the sand slides from one place to another but never any more or less.
Imagine a giant serpent swallowed the hourglass whole. It weaves around itself into a Gordian knot that terminates by eating its own tail. These are the edges of the universe.
What is outside the serpent and in the void? Perhaps there is absolutely nothing. Maybe there is more but it is unknowable. If it is impossible to know then it is pointless to guess.
What you do see and know is here. What you do have is now.
Enter You
The fact that anyone exists is pure dumb luck…absolute infinitesimal hogwash numbers. The odds that you…specifically you exist at any point in time is like winning the lottery a million times in a row and getting struck by lightning the same number of times. You existing is actually even less likely than the lotteries and lightning, all things considered. You are the amazing you. Remember that. Of course it doesn’t always feel like a million lotteries in a row have been won. Perhaps it feels more like the million lightning bolts. That’s not the point. By being here you won. And you are great.
It’s all so big. We get but a small blink. And only a few will be remembered. It’s difficult to feel our importance. Unless you are in a history book, or have built a monument or created something that impacts everyone you will be forgotten quickly, within a few generations. Even the famous and those just listed will be forgotten in due time. And yet you still touch everything.
Time shrinks as you get older. Time’s a weird thing. There’s never enough of it and at the same time there’s an infinite amount of it. It’s a conundrum.
A child’s life is new. A 5 year old only knows that short 5 years they’ve been around. 1 year is 20% of his whole life. As we get older this proportion shrinks. To a 100 year old conversely, a year is merely 1% of their whole life.
And yet even though so much time has gone by it still feels like just yesterday that we were children.
This isn’t some nihilist spiel that time doesn’t matter because it’s all dust in the wind blah blah blah. No that’s too negative. It’s the opposite.
We individually are bigger than we think. We stretch across time and touch a million people at least by the time we are through intentionally or otherwise.
By the time you’ve grown you can start judging time a bit differently. By the time you’re 50 you start to realize that 4 of you ago the country was brand new. For the 5 year old, 4 of them ago, is nothing. The internet still existed for crying out loud.
This isn’t to make anyone feel old. It’s for perspective. For those fortunate enough to reach 100 with their mind intact. You realize that the Roman Empire crumbled a mere 19 of you ago. In fact in this same circumstance most human history probably only exists within 30 of you ago, the stuff that we know anyway.
So none of us have much time and yet we feel every moment and despite growing older, the beginning of us only seemed like yesterday. We all get a small trip on this spinning blue and green thing. So we aren’t that different. From the most famous important person in the world all the way down to someone who is just starting out on their journey. Julius Caesar and Joan of Arc to you. If we zoom out we are all the same. If we zoom in we are all different. All a miracle.
You are all valuable. You are all special. Use this gift wisely. And if you haven’t so far don’t worry, it’s never too late to start.